Attention: If You Are Ready To Lower  Blood Pressure

Imagine Never Having to Worry About Hypertension Again!

Are Trying To Hide From Us
Revealed 3 Scientifically Proven Natural Solution For High Blood Pressure.

Here’s a startling fact  Big Pharma PRAYS you never find out:

If you use blood pressure medication — you have less than 50/50 chance you’ll get any better.

And believe it or not, that’s actually the good news!

I'm a recent retired pharmacist who is finally able to expose the hidden lies of the prescription drug industry. I can do this because – unlike most pharmacists and doctors – I don't have to be worried about any organization revoking my license.
CALL/CHAT 08118269010

In this groundbreaking special report, you’re about to get the whole scary truth, including…

What No Other “Medical Expert” Will EVER Tell You About Your Blood Pressure!

And, more importantly, I’ll teach you through 1 proven way to turn the tables on Big Pharma, lower your blood pressure naturally — and finally lower your risk for a deadly heart or health disaster, once and for all.

When it comes to prescription drugs and surgery, there’s a nearly 60% chance you’ll be the victim of a life-threatening or even life-ending “complication”…
For instance:

And, what about blood pressure medicine you may wonder?

Well, I know from first hand the experience that prescription drugs are often…

A Horror Show of Side Effects You Wouldn’t Wish on Your Worst Enemy!

 I still remember the day when I personally was diagnosed with hypertension. I was in my doctor’s office for a routine checkup and he told me the bad news…

 “Adeyemi, your blood pressure is extremely elevated. You’re at 163 over 105 and that increases your risk for coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease…”

The list went on…

 “If you want to live past 60yrs, I want you to immediately get on several

medications I’m going to prescribe now. This is not optional…”

 I was devastated. Even though I was a pharmacist, I personally hated the idea of being on multiple medications for the rest of my life.

But that wasn’t the worst part – again, the real pain came once I started on the meds and the side effects kicked in.

First, the diuretics – which they prescribe to flush excess water and sodium from the body – had me running to the bathroom dozens of times throughout the day.

 The Drugs Made It Impossible for Me to “Perform” in the Bedroom

 …killing my confidence as a man and putting a massive strain on marriage.

But that was only the beginning.

 I also started taking ace inhibitors. Frequently prescribed ace inhibitors include Enalapril

(Vasotec), Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) and Ramipril (Altace)… But from a side effect perspective they’re pretty much all the same.

 Like many, I began coughing often, getting horrible headaches, and even experiencing

light-headedness and dizziness throughout the day.

 It got so bad I could barely function, and had to take extended leave from work…

Still, the nightmare was far from over– because my doctor also put me on calcium channel blockers – which is extremely common.

 But this only made matters worse.

 My brain got even foggier, my cough got worse, my energy sank like a rock in water, and I was so nauseous or constipated most of the time

 I Barely Even Felt Like Sleeping and Eating!

 I was literally wasting away in front the TV each day, my legs elevated to ease the pain in my joints, with my wife growing more and more worried with each passing day.

 But we both assumed it was a worthwhile sacrifice to get my blood pressure down – and hopefully the side effects were only temporary.

 So, you can imagine my horror when I went to the doctor over a month later – only to find that my blood pressure had not gone down at all.

 Not one single point!

 Worse, the side effects seemed to be getting more severe, and my doctor said there was no guarantee they’d go away.

I Was Devastated Beyond Belief.

I walked out of his office that day, still stunned, realizing that this plan wasn’t working out for me, and I needed to explore my alternatives. So, I began researching the effectiveness of these drugs, and what I discovered made me furious!

 You see, only 30% of people taking those meds get results – and your best hope is to be among that group.

                Here's what I mean

Among the estimated 30 million Nigerians who have High blood pressure — about 70% of them use blood pressure medications.

Some don’t even know they have.

 Yet among those 30 million people, Nigeria Journal Of Hypertension says only 10% reduced their blood pressure to healthy level.

45% 0f death in Nigeria is due to heart diseases

51% of death is due to stroke globally

46% of adult ages 25 and above has the highest prevalent of high blood pressure according to WHO

High blood pressure affect at least one in three men and one in four women

If you’re lucky enough to get your blood pressure down with prescribed drugs — you can probably expect many of the following side effects – just like I did – including:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Headaches
  3. Lightheadedness
  4. Loss of essential minerals
  5. Kidney damage
  6. Lower libido
  7. Erectile dysfunction
  8. Digestive disorders
  9. Elevated triglycerides (blood fats) and ldl (bad) cholesterol

  10. Vision problems
  11. Anxiety and restlessness

  12.     Plus increased risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias and diabetes.

And it’s worse if you’re over 50!

 Excessive blood pressure lowering with medication can dangerously prevent adequate blood flow to the heart — leading to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.

This, of course, isn’t the first time pharmaceutical drugs have resulted in horrible side effects or death. Because the simple fact remains –

Prescription Drugs Now Kill More People Than Illegal Drugs!

Death by prescription drugs is a 21st-century epidemic, now killing even more Nigerians than accidents.

Drug fatalities more than tripled among people age 50 to 69 from 2000 – 2014.

I’m not trying to scare you, nor am I suggesting you avoid drugs and just do nothing —because doing nothing about your hypertension can be just as deadly.

According to the Mayo clinic, if you have difficulty sleeping — your risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) can be up to two to three times greater.

Multiple studies have shown elevated blood pressure is linked to a higher risk of developing cancer or dying from the disease.

 The WHO says high blood pressure can contribute to chronic kidney disease, according to the centers for disease control. High blood pressure, and some of the medications used to treat it, can increase the risk of developing diabetes.

The drugs you’re prescribed carry massive risk, along with the guaranteed list of miserable side
effects — plus extremely weak odds you’ll ever get better.

That's why the information on this page could literally save your life.

Because — in just a moment — I’m going to introduce you to a discovery I found in my research that has been proven by multiple clinical studies performed by elite institutions.

 Published in highly respected medical journals, including one of Europe’s leading research publications – the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this could very well be

The Single Most Important Discovery EVER Made for Blood Pressure Health!

 This natural solution can…

  • Safely Reduce blood pressure
  • Lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels
  • Balance your blood sugar
  • Help heal your heart
  • Reverse many of BP med side effects
  • Restore lost libido
  • Give you your energy back
  • And help you feel healthy again!

Best of all, you don’t need a prescription — or years of trial-and-error with unproven herbs you don’t know whether they’re working or not.

 This is proven to be both effective, and side-effect free. In the future, this is how more people will treat hypertension and reduce blood pressure naturally.

 Only you don’t have to wait! You can start today!

 Would you believe that one of  the secret has been sitting around your community all along?

“Normalize Blood Pressure — With Ashwagandha?”

 Recent research from the University of Toronto has confirmed that even short-term use of Ashwagandha can significantly reduce blood pressure.

 Researchers conducted a systematic review study of clinical trials using Ashwagandha between year 2000 and 2012. This includes studies published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and many more journals.

They then analyzed the results of the studies and determined that the short-term use of Ashwagandha combined with PLANTS that I am about to share with you to participants.
here were reductions in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels.

  1. Lowers LDL cholesterol
  2. Reduces the blood sugar level
  3. Reduces triglycerides
  4. Lowers blood pressure
  5. Stabilizes heart rhythm
  6. Reduces occurrence of chest pain (angina) attacks

    Ashwagandha helps lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health in a number of ways: Because Ashwagandha  extract contains a high amount of vitamin C, it enhances circulation and strengthens veins and arteries. Rich inflavonoids and antioxidants.

    Not Only Help You Reduces Blood Pressure, Also  Save Your Heart.

    If you remember, my energy was pretty much non-existent after getting on blood pressure medication, and anything I ate seemed to throw my blood sugar out of whack and cause a massive crash.

     That’s why I was so excited to learn about this added benefit of Ashwagandha.

    Because, in a 2013 study from Ball State University, 30 healthy adults were tested after adding Ashwagandha powder to their morning cereals.

     They found that the addition of Ashwagandha significantly reduced blood glucose levels at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after eating.
    To understand why that is so important, it’s imperative you understand the connection between blood sugar and hypertension.

    As it turns out, high blood sugar levels create free radicals that oxidize and damage your arteries.

    Now, a moment ago, I told you that Ashwagandha alone could lower blood pressure by as much as 5 points. But to gets the desired result,

There are minerals to "MIX" with Ashwagandha – and make it many times more effective.

And that mineral is Magnesium. Ashwagandha combined with
Magnesium, can lead to overall reductions in blood pressure up to 25 points!

 That’s a reduction far lower than any hypertension medication can achieve — without side effects!

“Ashwagandha combined with Magnesium decreases blood pressure more than any
hypertension medication in the world.”
– Health Impact News

You know that Magnesium multiplies the healing benefits of Ashwagandha  by over 5 times, beating even the most potent prescription drugs.

Now, before you go looking for Ashwagandha  like I did… Let me share a big secret – this
is a pro tip you’ll need to make this discovery work for you.

Just One Form of Ashwagandha Has Been Proven in Clinical Setting

Of all of the varieties out there, only “Sensoril Ashwagandha” has been shown to have a true therapeutic effect.

It is more rare than other varieties and has been shown in studies to have numerous health benefits – including greatly reducing blood pressure when used properly.

Now, you probably won’t find this in your local store – and even if you did –its potency would be lost. Because Sensoril Ashwagandha must be processed in a very special way in order to retain its full range of actives that produce the well-researched medical benefits.

I had to search far and wide for this exact type of Sensoril Ashwagandha, and learn exactly how it should be processed, before I started to see results... But once I did – boy, did I see a change.
Sensoril Ashwagandha

Astonishing Results in a Matter of Months

In under 2 months, my blood pressure was 120 over 78 – my doctor couldn’t believe it.

And neither could my wife.

I had gone from being completely exhausted, no-energy bundle of misery – to a spry, energetic man who could be active much of the day.

I’m sure my activity helped my blood pressure, but I never could have been so active had I stayed on drugs and not discovered the newest breakthrough in natural blood pressure control.

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this solution with you.
Because you now know about Sensoril Ashwagandha, what it can do, and you know the only kind of Ashwagandha that can lower your blood pressure..

And now, what if I told you there was a third secret that further enhanced this combination, delivering a 1-2-3 knockout combination that could banish high blood pressure forever?

The Little-Known  plant called Basil with Vitamin, That Sends This Combination Over the Top

 Such an ingredient exists… and it’s vitamin B6 in Basil plant

Vitamin B6 in Basil has 100’s of proven therapeutic benefits –including protecting against heart disease.

 But in this case, what matters is that vitamin B6  increases the absorption rate of Magnesium, which in turn improves the therapeutic effect of Cinnamon  and Basil.

Leading to the strongest, yet safest, possible way to attack and eliminate your high blood pressure — without harm or side effects.

 And while you might be able to go out and buy each of these  items at your local pharmacies or vitamin store ( you probably won’t find this in your local store — and even if you did — its potency would have been lost as a result of over processed).

You’d probably get the wrong form of magnesium, Cinnamon, over processed Basil…

And worst of all, you wouldn’t know the right ratios of these ingredients in order to trigger the proper reduction in your blood pressure.

As a pharmacist, I know that it’s not just about taking drugs or supplements.


The REAL SECRET Is the Right Combination, Source, and Even the Timing.

 I have never purchased these supplements in pharmacy before.

The precise combination of rare  Sensoril Ashwagandha and Basil with magnesium…  is as close to a blood pressure miracle worker as you’ll ever find.

And it’s the secret behind the proprietary formula I learned about in my research.


It’s called…


The ONE simple secret that defeats HYPERTENSION and all its complications…

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On the next page, you’ll be able to get your free bottle, have your order rushed out to you…. and
then decide whether the product is right for you.

Every order comes with a full, Unconditional 60-Day Money-Back guarantee —despite the fact that it’s based on extensive, third party research and has worked for real people just like you.
The guarantee exists to eliminate any shred of risk or doubt that the product will work for you and your body.
So what are you waiting for?






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