The Amazing Recipe For High Blood Pressure Invented By A Super Secret Religious Community.

Support Your Blood Pressure
blocks the formation of deadly clots that leads to heart attacks and strokes!

Dear Hypertensive Patient,

If you are interested in completely eliminating HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE…Living a very long life…
and staying healthy… this will be the most important message you will ever read.

Here is the reason; The Amish are one of the most secretive religious communities in the world.

Founded in 1693 (in the 17th Century) by Jakob Ammann. 

They Have A Secret Seed of Plant Recipe That Can SAVE You From HYPERTENSION and it’s Complications And Help You Stay Alive!

The Amish forbid members of their community from having anything to do with the modern world of medication.

The Amish, through their alternative medicine, is able to treat simple health problems using natural substances.

The recipe’s ingredients (Ceylon cinnamon) are powerful and are the perfect therapy for cholesterol and high blood pressure. All of the ingredients in it are well known for having rich nutrients that produce benefits for the heart.

There is no other way around it if you want to eliminate your High Blood Pressure and live healthy without a heart attack or stroke.
The most important thing you can do is… make sure you have clean and healthy arteries.

Have you ever wondered if the arteries- the pipes which take blood out of your heart and moves it to other parts of your body- is as clean as your body?

We shower and bathe everyday. we brush our teeth on daily basis, Ladies also shampoo their hair regularly, and most of us manicure and pedicure our fingers and toes nails.

But most of us are totally unaware of what is going in our insides… until we develop a sympton or disease which gives us a wake-up call.

 The truth is, our circulatory system (especially the heart) is the ”engine room” of the body. If it stops working, you’re going to die… in minutes.

Lowering blood pressure with drugs can kill someone faster than doing nothing!


Big Pharma’s drugs are incapable of ending your hypertension. If anything, they’ll kill you faster than doing nothing at all.

So what now? If the drugs won’t save you, are you DOOMED?

There are millions of hypertensive patient all around the world that have reversed everything from hardened arteries and high blood pressure to complete congestive heart failure…without drugs, in mere weeks!

Some have incorporated natural remedies like Ceylon cinnamon, Ashwagandha E.TC..which according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Phytomedicine.
It was far superior to hypertension medication like Amlodipen in the management of high blood pressure and its complications.

This secret is something you’ve likely never heard of before but something you can do right now and enjoy at home every single day. It’s the mysterious “super plant”-Contains  Ceylon cinnamon, Cardamon, Garlic, Ginger, Magnesium, Basil and many others…

The best part is that you can enjoy this PLANT every single day and it will actually normalize your blood pressure.

The Secret is in our proprietary formulation of key ingredients – Sensoril Ashwagandha Ceylon Cinnamon, Basil, Magnesium Malate and Ginger… which are proven to help

It is carefully produced in our NAFDAC Certified Lab without any fillers, binders or chemical additives.

STRESS GUARD ” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE is 100% All-Natural… so you quickly achieve your blood pressure reduction goals without the risk of adverse side affects – at an affordable price.


“My doctor warned if my blood pressure got any higher she’d put me on meds. Not wanting to take any meds I decided to try an “all-natural” product. My blood pressure is now normal and I am so happy. ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE works for me!”


Deborah   Verified Buyer

Fast Delivery!!!

Delivery was fast and product was well packaged. I’ve tried it and it was very effective


JAMIU   Verified Buyer

I Love It!!!

“I started taking ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE about 15 days ago. My blood pressure is not only stable and normal but it is almost perfect. My last test readinmg was 120/78, where prior to that it was 140 – 160 over 90.”


 Dayo   Verified Buyer


    So you quickly achieve your blood pressure reduction goals without the risk of adverse side effects – at an affordable price.

It took several years of research to come up with this product. This pioneering remedy is the outcome of countless studies conducted over 30 years by teams of internationally-respected scientists and Cardiohealth specialists, University, NYC.

Removes Blockage of Blood Vessel, Gets Rid of Excess Cholesterol and Normalize Your Blood Pressure to 120/80mmHg with NO SIDE EFFECTS!
Excellent product

“I have noticed a positive difference in my blood pressure and health since I began using this supplement.” 


Increase your circulation by boosting your Nitric Oxide production.

I Don't Want You To Be ONE of the 2,200 Who Will Die Tomorrow from a Heart Attack or Stroke

I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m just genuinely concerned for your well-being.

Because the truth is that 1 in 3 people who die in the NIGERIA die from heart disease. That means heart disease WILL touch you or the life of someone you love.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for BOTH men and women.

I Love This Product

This all natural product is the bomb.It will definitely put your blood pressure back in the healthy range, with no side effects. your Doctor will be amassed and start to wean you off prescription meds. Thank you so much.


Keeping a log book for blood pressure  offer several benefits, helping individuals TO

Manage their health effectively. 14 Pages.
Here are some key advantages:

Data-Driven Decision-Making:

Enables individuals and healthcare providers to make informed decisions based on trends and patterns observed in the log book.

Improved Communication:

Enhances communication between individuals and healthcare professionals, fostering a collaborative approach to health management.

Empowerment and Accountability:

Encourages individuals to take an active role in their health, fostering a sense of empowerment and accountability for their well-being.

Facilitates Adjustments:

Allows for timely adjustments in treatment plans, medications, and lifestyle choices based on the recorded data.

Early Warning Signs:

Serves as an early warning system, helping individuals and healthcare providers identify potential health issues before they become serious.

Regularly maintaining a blood pressure  log book is an effective tool in proactive health management and can significantly contribute to overall well-being.

Original Price:  40,000

Today: =N=18,000 

Item Left... 34%

Before the time is up and the discount goes away.

Claim your introductory BONUSES







About This Super


 Is On The Internet And The Results Are Amazing!


Praise God these natural ingredients have controlled my blood pressure better than any prescription I have been given. This far surpassed the prescription I was taking and I feel so much better. I love the product!…


I’ve only been taking this product for 2 weeks and my blood pressure has come down dramatically! I have been taking prescribed medication for blood pressure and high cholesterol for 2 or 3 years without these results.


STRESS GUARD” made a HUGE difference. I decided to try this to see if it would help. I am not having any side effects at all, and one of the largest benefits I got so far besides the huge drop in blood pressure is a large reduction in swelling and water retention in my body overall. I have had very taut swelled lower calves for a few years now and they are no longer swelled. They’re normal again and my socks keep falling down.

So, How Much Will it Cost You to Get This “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE?

But before I tell you how to get this unique treatment … I want to ask you a question:

What is it worth to you to be FREE of this disease and the agonizing pain it causes, and that both ruined your social life and deprived you of the activities you used to do?


 We are going to compare this natural system with the systems of modern medicine.


 One of the ways to compare these systems is by asking the following;

Do you enjoy taking drugs such as Lexothan or other similar drugs EVERY day?

Many patients with Hypertension have suffered serious side effects with these drugs… which ruin your stomach, cause swollen legs, erectile dysfunction, poison your liver or cause nausea and other side effects.


Would you like to spend your whole life taking these medications? Or, to put it another way…


Do you want to spend your whole life treating ONLY the symptoms… instead of eliminating Hypertension by treating the source of the problem and getting rid of the pain FOREVER?


… and you will begin to reduce both systolic and diastolic reading during the first days of treatment… without the need to use these destructive drugs.

I want you to feel deep in your bones you are getting the best deal possible. This is why I’ve got very special bonuses For FREE!

Based on the total values above, you already know that we can easily sell this  “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK  for about =N=40,000 – because we already add exra bonuses which cost so much money and time in sourcing.

However, because you are here TODAY,  you won’t pay that price. In fact, you won’t pay  even for =N=30,000.


JUST =N=18,0000 TODAY

You only need to pay  =N=18,000 if you act fast. 

Simply fill the order form below to buy now for discounted price for just Mere =N=18,000 (Fast Action Discount) But you have to act right now.

  This major discount is a temporary promotional offer only for early and lucky people like you.  

And soon the price is going back or even double and it won’t be going back down.  

If you decide to wait and come back later, please don’t call me begging, if you miss your opportunity. 

                                                        Order Now before it goes to its Original Price of N40,000

If you don’t buy this product now, then you will have to spend years I have spent before getting this “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK.

You will have to face all the trials, the failures, lost of money, sleepless nights and heartbreaks I faced from medical drugs and other inferior herbal supplements that have lost their value to over process.

That is an experience you will hate, I assured you. I barely managed to survived Hypertension because I was lucky.

                                                 ……………….Will you be as lucky as I was?

But why would you go through any pain again to find out permanent cure, when you can just buy one “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK- very cheap today.

I have made all the mistakes, gone through the failed drugs and discovered what works and doesn’t work, so you don’t have to.

                                                                     And listen.

Think about it, What we are asking you for is not even up to amount of money you will spend on DSTV, Owambe party, Transport and other inorganic products/drugs that takes away your money.

Instead of those, get this “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK and it will change your life.

It will give you far more energy and freedom to do what you love, enjoy yourself with friends and family.

Normalize Your Blood pressure In The First 7 Days and Stabilize It In The Next 20 Days. 

When you compare what you are paying to how much you will pay for a STROKE TREATMENT worth millions of Naira, you will realize that the cost of these products are highly low.

You give our product a try for 14 days…..  The worst possible outcome is you hate it so you ask for a refund.  

 You promptly get refunded and you even get to keep the bonuses.  

 We actually encourage you to get your money back if that is what you really want to do or, you give it a try and you realize why we always get recommendation.  

 Feel what it is like to have other Hypertensive Patience  Insanely jealous of you and begging you to know your secrets when they see you again.  

 Experience the feeling of a proud man/woman you have been hoping for.  We already know this worth at least =N=40,000.  

   But if you act right now, you will get them for just =N=18,000 for everything. 

 This is a one-time deal that will change your story for good.

 Just fill the form below and I personally promise you will be glad you did.

If you tried this and it did not NORMALIZED YOUR BP within 60days Just call us on 08118269010 to get your money back, I’m sure you won’t do that if you adhere to the prescription that comes with it strictly. So, If you don’t start getting Normal Blood Pressure within 7days, you’ll get every kobo of your money back as fast as we can. 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.
Money Back if it did not work for you....08118269010

Why am I being so generous?

Because not so long ago I  was like you.


  I want you to experience what it feels like to be Free From Hypertension and it’s complications, I genuinely want you to get results.


  If you aren’t wholly satisfied, I don’t want to keep your money because I’d feel like I didn’t deserve it.  


That is how I was raised and that is how I do business.


  I have worked incredibly hard to get this products combination and I am proud of it.


  When I read messages and calls I get from customers, it just makes me feel good.


This products has worked for me  and several other people and I bet it will work for you too.


  I have taken away all the risk from you.



 Cash Payment on Delivery

We know that the internet is full of dubious people and nobody wants to be scammed.

So, we are going to put all the risk on ourselves so that you won’t have an excuse for not getting this therapy.

We will send the products to your house or office( it will get to you between 2-4 working days) and you can pay our courier people only after you have received the product.

This is to eradicate any doubt in your mind that you will get what you are promised.

Please Note: In some locations, you may need to go to our courier partner’s bus terminal/office (Good is Good Motors) to collect the product and make payment.


Please fill the form below with your details and our delivery personnel will contact you with your package.







You Pay only ₦18,000 instead of  ₦30,000 


You Pay only ₦25,000 instead of  ₦60000 


You Pay only ₦36,000 instead of  ₦90,000 

BUY MORE, SAVE MORE IF YOU CHOOSE To Buy Recommend & Complete Packs


WARNING: Please ensure you are FULLY ready for this ORDER and the money to pay at the point of Delivery is available before placing your order.

Kindly Don’t Place an order if you would be traveling soon, or you are not financially ready to receive the order in 2 – 4 days.

We spend a lot of Money & Time shipping these items To Different Locations In Country and we don’t want a situation where your order arrives at your location & you are not available for pickup. Because such situations have caused Us Millions of Losses lately.

It’s Time to Kick hypertension Out of Your Life

You can walk away from this and continue to spend money every month on drugs that will eventually fail just like they do.

We know you are afraid – You are probably thinking

Will This Work For You?)

And if you’re Not 100% Satisfied… Neither Am I.

There are plenty of blood pressure gimmicks out there, and most of them flat out don’t work.

With so many options it’s only natural for you to be skeptical about the results, and so I challenge you to do what I did: try it for yourself! Conduct your own study and see the incredible results for yourself.

You won’t believe your new blood pressure reading!

Hypertension may be the silent killer, but you don’t have to play “blood pressure roulette” with your life. Not anymore.

Armed with the information in this article, along with the ability to try out  ROYAL REST  risk-free, you too can make high blood pressure a thing of the past.

But hurry, this Discount offer won’t last forever.

And we know it will because it has worked for other people.

There is no risk involved. No side effects. IT IS A PURE AYURVEDIC PRODUCT.

It brings joy to our faces too when we receive testimonies from people who have used this natural therapy to become healthy again when they have lost all hope.

We want to receive your own testimony as well very soon.

But I must warn you:

You will get worse if you don’t take action today. Your blood pressure will continue to skyrocket and no amount of medication will save you.
Your health will spiral out of control and you’ll be a massive burden such as stroke on your family who will come to resent you for wasting so much of their time with never-ending complaining, doctor visits, and the myriad of expensive pills with side effects.

You will be dependent on temporary fixes into your body every day…you won’t be able to enjoy the fun this world has to offer…you’ll constantly feel terrible about yourself because you’re hypertensive which can lead to many other complications and have little hope of a better future.

You will be so unhappy and crabby that no one will want to be around you and you’ll spend the bulk of your days all by yourself. Alone…to sulk in your own misery…constantly worrying about when your time on this planet will be up.

Is that what you want?

If not, then grabbing the “ROYAL REST” BLOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK is not just the best solution right now…

It’s the ONLY solution!

Time is NOT on your side anymore. Now is the time for action.

So go ahead and make the only smart choice you can make by FILLING THE FORM ABOVE OR CALL “08118269010” now so that you can instantly GET ROYAL REST BPCARE PACK in your hand and improve your future…starting today!










Frequently Asked Questions:

Q – For How Long Do I Have To Use The Supplements?

You don’t have to keep buying these supplements week after week and month after month.

From our experience, the full 60 days’ supply is usually enough and most people begin to get amazing health reliefs within a few days of using these supplements.

Q – Do These Supplements Have Any Side Effects?

These supplements are made from pure natural extracts and they do not have any side effects whatsoever.

It comes with well stated prescription to achieve desire result in shortest time

Q – But Why Are The Products So Expensive?

First, these products are made to from real extracts of proven medicinal herbs and plants.

Secondly, these supplements are not made in Nigeria.

They are made in India and shipped to Nigeria.

Finally, the dollar to Naira exchange rate which is unusually high at the moment is another issue that we can do nothing about.

But really, when you compare what you are paying here to how much you will pay later on if you delay attending to your body now…OR what other people that are selling ineffective ones for outrageous amount.

Or compare getting a stroke treatment worth millions of dollars, you will realize that the cost of these supplements is on the lower side.

Q – Do I Have To Stop Using My Drugs Before I Start Using These Supplements?

We usually advise our clients to use the supplements along with their normal drugs for the first 3 days and we will now review the response after 10 days of using it ,so that the body PRESSURE level don’t get too low.

And by the time you lay your hands on these supplements, we believe you will want to tell as many people as possible about them.

In case you have some questions at the back of your mind that you need answers to, feel free to call any of our help lines.

You can call,Text or Chat

Place your order now while this is still on your mind.

Limited Offer Available.

How are you going to feel if you come back tomorrow and see the price has doubled? Or Even worse, what if this website page gets taken down and you missed your opportunity forever. Don’t let that happen.

Fortunately, you can still get access and at the severely discounted price; But it is vital you act right now.

P.S: Because of the great customer demand for our products, you may have to call two or three times before getting through on the phone.

Don’t stop trying. It is more than worth it.

P.S.S. Don’t forget my guarantee! The short of it: You can’t lose.
I’m sticking my neck out to ensure there’s no possible way this can’t work out well for you.

P.S.S.S. Any delay in taking action today could squish any chance you’ve got to get ROYAL REST BPCARE and other bonus attached to it.

Thank you and God Bless.

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